Thursday, March 22, 2012

2. Kozui

Tea taste: Black ceylon milk tea was creamy and delectable, almost like a frappuccino with a hint of nutmeg (tall, P100; grande, P115). Other flavors: matcha green tea and roasted green. It’s not for me, but if you’re a fan of pomegranates, try their pomegranate tea, which uncannily tastes like the real fruit (tall, P90; grande, P125). Aside from the milk and fruit beverages, they have lemon green teas, which can be served hot or cold plus korichio or ice-blended drinks.
Tapioca taste: Chewy in a nice, maligkit way
Add-on options: Tapioca only
Service: They’re one of the slowest but that may be because their teas are apparently brewed fresh.
Price: Pricey especially considering how small the drink sizes are.
Where to buy: 258 B Tomas Morato Ave. Q.C.;


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